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Looking for anyone that surf fish near venice

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    Utente registrato

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  • 3 Post:
  • Tecnica: spinning
  • Provenienza: Negrar, VR.

Postato 20 February 2024 - 14:18 PM

Trying to learn how to surf fish and rock fish. anyone willing to give advice?

#2 walter


    volatile da cortile

  • Moderatori I
  • 27750 Post:
  • Localitàeste, bassa padovana
  • Tecnica: portachiav-fishing
  • Provenienza: este, bassa padovana
  • Anno di nascita:1984

Postato 20 February 2024 - 23:08 PM

i hope someone will answer as soon as possible :)


question: why do you write in english? where are you from? :)

keep fightin' | if you can't follow me maybe you're not crazy enough... | devastazione, delirio, inutilita' e allegro sbarellamento icon_crazy.gif


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